It's always time for pi!
Designed for iPad® and iPhone™ • piClock 3 requires iOS 8.1+ • Available at the App Store • Educational volume discounts apply
Every minute, piClock scans
the digits of
pi to show the time and date.

Not in the mood for
pi? Try a different (à la) mode.
Scientific types may take a natural interest in Euler's Number,
e, while artists and architects might have a disproportionate affinity for the Golden Ratio,
phi. Hipsters can even double their pi-leasure and take a trendy turn with
No matter in which of these you irrationally place value, piClock covers the bases.
As a single app designed to run on iPad and all sizes of iPhone,
piClock puts times on your table and functions as your constant companion
while you're commuting, associating, or even distributing.
Note to fans of DigiTappy in piClock 1.x: Sadly, the game didn't make our deadline for piClock 3, but we hope to include it in 3.1, or 3.14, or ...
piClock & DigiTappy, trademarks of Blue McConnell. iPhone & iPad, trademarks of Apple, Inc. © Blue McConnell, all rights reserved.